Congratulations! You have now been growing into your body for about 12 weeks. That means you are around one-third of the way to being born.
Out here, the world you'll be born into is a little crazy. Things happen every day that make us all wonder why people do such weird things. Some things people do are very funny. Some things people do are very helpful. And then there are the things people do that make us wonder if they weren't supposed to be born as a rat, or a snake, or bug. People should all be good, but many aren't. That's for talking about another time...
Meanwhile, your parents (aka Mommy and Daddy) are all kinds of busy getting a place ready for you to live in. But first, they are taking a little vacation to the beach over the Fourth of July weekend. Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is a day where we all celebrate another kind of birthday. That day, many many years ago, a new nation was born from people who no longer wanted to be under the rule of a king that lived on the other side of a big ocean. The United States of America, or just "America", was born because those brave people endured unimaginable hardship so they could be free to live the way they wanted to, and not have this far away king tell them what to do. It is a very BIG and interesting story, how America was born - and we will read about it a lot when you get big enough to learn history.
Your parents deserve this little beach break before you grow much bigger inside Mommy's tummy. After you get bigger, it will become harder for her to travel around with you inside her. And then AFTER you are born... Oh Boy, will their lives change a whole lot! Traveling with small children can be exciting, but also it can be very exhausting. Instead of getting tipsy and having lots of fun trying to make baby brothers (or sand castles) on the beach, Mommy and Daddy will have to put their good times on hold. They will spend all their time making sure you are having big fun (and staying safe!). You might think they'd be sad about missing out on sand castles, but don't you worry, little dear. You will bring joy to them in so many other ways that they won't mind at all.
You see, when Mommies and Daddies get to hold their own baby the very first time after being born, it will be as if a light switch suddenly goes on in their hearts. It is a spot light on the part of their heart that is reserved just for their children. Once it is lit up, this love shines so strong that it can never be darkened again. It will always glow so brightly for you, and for any baby brothers or sisters that are born after you. See, I think your Mommy and Daddy will find time to make sand castles after all - when you are napping.
Right now, you don't know what light is, there in your cozy place. All you know about is moving and feeling your way around. Do you feel that long, twisty rope-like thing that is bunched up near you? Maybe you've kicked at it and felt it swish around. That is your umbilical cord. Well, actually it is Mommy's. Her body made it just for you! It connects you to her in a way where you can get all the food, water, oxygen and other cool biological things to help you grow bigger. Once you come out here, you won't need that cord anymore. But you will still always have an invisible cord like that, connecting you to that new light in your Mommy's and Daddy's heart - it will give you all the feelings of love and acceptance that you need for your spirit to grow stronger.
Message to New Grannies, Grandmas, Meemaws, etc.
Fellow Grannies-to-be, pull up a rocker and let's talk. Veteran grannies, you can come here to mentor us 'noobs' through all the inner-conflict that comes along with the transition . We're entering this next life-stage, one that brings with it all the pitfalls and perils of societal ageism, at a point in life where we're still clinging to the hope of keeping up with technology, fitting into sexier jeans, and battling the relentless pull of gravity.
I say there's no need to fear grandparent-hood! Together we can enhance the perception of this phase, and embrace the image of instant wisdom that comes with the Grandtitle.
I stared this blog for my soon-arriving-granddaughter, who's impending arrival is an enormous thrill! But I'm also here to swap stories, and present some good ole' fashioned How-To and DIY stuff I've picked up along the way - mostly from fellow rocker-jockeys around the web. There's a wealth of wisdom and wit to share from generations of Grannies and Great-Grannies who came before me, most notably:
~ Maow, aka Mickey Maow
~ Mimmaw Kron
~ Mimmaw Hale
~ Gran-Molly
~ Granny Clampett (TV Granny, circa 1962 - 1970-ish)