Fellow Grannies, Non-Grannies, and Guys that keep house:
If you own a modern washing machine, you've probably experienced the sudden involuntary nose-wrinkling inside or near your laundry room. It happens when you are hit by a smell like the worst kind of nightmare about ancient mold. If you have never experienced this odor, you either have a perpetual head cold or you really need to quit smoking.
Well the first time I really took notice of this nasal offense in my current home - the Chicken House project, I just never imagined it could be coming from the very machine with the primary function of making smelly things smell better. So I reasoned it must be from a mouse family that had died somewhere inside the walls of my laundry room. This seemed the logical answer since I actually found a tiny mouse skeleton snuggled inside the fuzzy insulation between wall studs. Moldy Skeletons This was discovered after tearing out old, equally moldy drywall during a remodeling project that resulted in the addition of the aforementioned laundry room (pause for breath), so it just seemed likely. Here's the tiny skeleton, which could easily be mistaken for a key archaeological discovery if taken out of context.
So I set my index fingers a'search and found out a whole passel of people have experienced this very problem, and they kindly took the time to write about it. And boy did a bunch of people write! I spent an hour pouring over the article and all the comments, and I am grateful. This information saved me from experimentation that most likely would have resulted in having to buy a new washer. So instead of reinventing the wheel (wash tub), I'm going to share these other good folks' page here:
Today's Homeowner ... how-to Remove mold and mildew from front load washing machines
Thank you Julie Day, Today's Homeowner!
Message to New Grannies, Grandmas, Meemaws, etc.
Fellow Grannies-to-be, pull up a rocker and let's talk. Veteran grannies, you can come here to mentor us 'noobs' through all the inner-conflict that comes along with the transition . We're entering this next life-stage, one that brings with it all the pitfalls and perils of societal ageism, at a point in life where we're still clinging to the hope of keeping up with technology, fitting into sexier jeans, and battling the relentless pull of gravity.
I say there's no need to fear grandparent-hood! Together we can enhance the perception of this phase, and embrace the image of instant wisdom that comes with the Grandtitle.
I stared this blog for my soon-arriving-granddaughter, who's impending arrival is an enormous thrill! But I'm also here to swap stories, and present some good ole' fashioned How-To and DIY stuff I've picked up along the way - mostly from fellow rocker-jockeys around the web. There's a wealth of wisdom and wit to share from generations of Grannies and Great-Grannies who came before me, most notably:
~ Maow, aka Mickey Maow
~ Mimmaw Kron
~ Mimmaw Hale
~ Gran-Molly
~ Granny Clampett (TV Granny, circa 1962 - 1970-ish)
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